Kotlin JDSL has the Predicate interface to represent a conditional expression in JPQL.
Logical operators
Use the following functions to build logical operations:
AND (and)
OR (or)
NOT (not)
If all Predicate passed to and() and or() is null or empty, and() will be interpreted as 1 = 1 and or() will be interpreted as 0 = 1. So be careful when creating a dynamic query.
Call logical operators using a normal function instead of an extension function to add parentheses for the order of operations. As for extension functions, Kotlin JDSL cannot add parentheses because the order is ambiguous.
// normal function: (Employee.name = 'Employee01' AND Employee.nickname = 'E01') or (Employee.name = 'Employee02' AND Employee.nickname = 'E02')
// extension function: Employee.name = 'Employee01' AND Employee.nickname = 'E01' or Employee.name = 'Employee02' AND Employee.nickname = 'E02'
Comparison operators
Use the following functions to build comparison operators:
You may need to register information about the function you want to use with the JPA Provider. For example, if you are using Hibernate, you need to register a FunctionContributor.
Custom predicate
Call customPredicate() to build a custom predicate.
customPredicate("{0} MEMBER OF {1}", value(author), path(Book::authors))
If you frequently use customPredicate(), you can create your own DSL.